新型冠状病毒肺炎 (COVID-19) 疫情期间招聘回复
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What are ADP and our associates doing to stay safe at work during COVID-19?
[TEXT] We are not all back in the office yet, but when we are ready…
What is ADP doing to keep our associates safe at work during COVID-19?
ADP is doing many things to make the environment safe for our associates' return to the office.
We are implementing policies and procedures to keep our associates safe.
Providing associate training on new protocols.
Enhancing climate control systems for increased airflow and filtration.
Providing hand sanitizer and cleaning supplies for personal office equipment.
Re-configuring workspaces to allow for proper social distancing.
Implementing daily cleaning regimens with increased frequency.
Updating cleaning and disinfecting protocols.
Implementing seating capacity limits.
What are the associates' responsibilities to keep themselves and others safe when they return to the office?
Complete associate training on safety protocols before reporting to the office for the first time.
Staying home if you are unwell.
Take daily health assessments and submit results via an app before coming to work every day.
Pass a temperature check before entering the building.
Follow badging policies.
Avoid face-to-face meetings with more than four people.
Wash hands frequently, or use hand sanitizer when hand washing is not possible. Social distance 6 feet / 2 meters.
Wear personal protective equipment (PPE), such as masks, in the building when not in your personal workspace.
And more.
For more information please visit jobs.adp.com/covid19 or tech.adp.com/covid19.
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[TEXT] ADP and the ADP logo are registered trademarks of ADP, Inc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. Copyright © 2020 ADP, Inc.