Plus c’est inclusif, mieux c’est.
Idées différentes.
Reconnues de valeur égale.
Chez ADP, nous estimons que les meilleures idées foisonnent dans un environnement inclusif qui valorise les points de vue différents. C’est la raison pour laquelle nous en avons fait le pilier de notre culture unique.
Célébrer le monde du travail grâce à nos employés.
Coming Out at Work: Our Stories
ANDRE: What motivated me to come out? I think not being true to myself was not an option.
[TEXT] We asked our Associates about their “coming out” experience at work…
ANDRE: I actually came out in my interview. When I was asked where I see myself in the future-- in the near future, five years from now, and that's an integral part of who I am because I really, really want to be a father. And being a gay man, I do have to jump through a couple additional hoops to accomplish that.
CARMELA: I came out at work because I wanted to be able to share with, not only my coworkers, but even with my clients, the love that I have with my partner, my wife. It should not impact and will not impact the work and-- the performance of work that I provide.
JAMES: I had friends who worked in ADP already who were also members of the LGBTQ community who could really talk to my team and the people that I'd be working closely with and kind of filled them in on what type of person I was. So going into a new company was really easy, and that conversation was really easy.
MARIANA: How seriously ADP takes the zero-tolerance policy for any type of discrimination in the work environment. This, for sure, encouraged me to slowly start including my wife's name into conversations with my team in a natural way until I came out completely to everyone.
TONDREA: I'm not sure I technically had a coming out experience here at ADP, and the reason being is that I had already been out for several years-- both personally and professionally-- before I came to ADP. But I will say this, that as soon as I walked into the doors of ADP, I could tell almost immediately that I could be authentically me and that this place was a place that celebrated diverse points of view.
LACEY: It was after I had all of the support and love from the members of the community within ADP, my fellow members of ADP Pride, they really gave me the strength that I needed to come out in my personal life. So really, if you think about it, I came out to my ADP family before I came out to folks in my personal life. So I think that's a testament to the culture that we have at ADP.
LEONARDO: And when I was talking with my manager, she asked me, what would be something in the company that would make a big difference for me to take a decision to work for a company? And I said that diversity would be very important, because I'm gay. And since then, it was not necessary to start any other conversation. Also, with my teammates. So it was very natural, my coming out experience.
[TEXT] Learn more about ADP’s commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
Visit: jobs.adp.com and tech.adp.com
Logo: ADP, Always Designing for People.
[TEXT] ADP and the ADP logo are registered trademarks of ADP, Inc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. Copyright © 2021 ADP, Inc.
Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Belonging at ADP
A woman in a black V-neck shirt and jacket. A blurred screen is in the background.
TIFFANY DAVIS: Inclusion and diversity is important for ADP because it's core to who we are as an organization.
Text: Having a workforce that mirrors the diverse communities we serve is a top priority for ADP.
Tiffany Davis, Chief Inclusion Diversity Officer. ADP
TIFFANY DAVIS: It's core to how we will continue to be innovative, how we'll grow as an organization. And while we're talking about inclusion and diversity in particular, I must also call out equity as well as belonging. Many times, I get the question of your title is Inclusion and Diversity Officer, but those are not the only two facets of this work that's actually important.
Inclusion, of course, is important to us because we want to make sure that we have an environment where all feel welcome. Diversity, on the other hand, is where we can respect and make sure that we take into consideration the differences of people.
But when you think about equity, it's really around the fairness and a number of different facets. Not only compensation, opportunities, access, tools and resources that we actually provide to our associates. And belonging is actually that feeling. We want people to actually feel like this is an environment where you're welcome, where you're safe, and where you can actually thrive. And so when you think about that, that really makes up the ecosystem of what is important around inclusion as well as diversity here at ADP.
She smiles. The image blurs.
Text: Move your career forward in a company that celebrates diverse perspectives and embraces inclusivity. Visit jobs.ADP.com and tech.ADP.com.
Logo: ADP, Always Designing for People.
Inclusivity at ADP
Logo, ADP, Always Designing for People.
NJERI, VP, ASSISTANT GENERAL COUNSEL AT ADP: At ADP, we're committed to a culture of belonging where everyone is seen, valued, and heard.
MATT, SVP TECHNOLOGY RISK AT ADP: We believe this creates an awareness that's essential to the success of our business.
MUHAMMAD, SVP, COMPREHENSIVE SERVICES AT ADP: That's essential to the success of our business.
MARCELA, GENERAL MANAGER, SOUTHERN EUROPE AT ADP: Everything we do in support of our DE&I goals can be aligned to four pillars.
MATT: Culture and belonging to ensure everyone feels respected and included.
NJERI: Technology and innovation prioritizes DE&I functionality in our products.
MUHAMMAD: Business practices, where we're focused on the B in BRG, and things like supplier diversity.
MARCELA: And talent practices to prioritize DE&I throughout the talent lifecycle--
NJERI: Ensuring ADP's associate population is reflective of our clients and communities.
MATT: Our initiative that aligns with many of these pillars is focused on the use of inclusive language.
MARCELA: In the way we speak and the way we do business.
MUHAMMAD: It's about more than replacing specific words with more acceptable terms.
NJERI: It's about changing long held attitudes and habits we don't think twice about but should. When we lead with inclusive language, we're bringing the best parts of ADP's value of each person counts to the places where we live and work.
MUHAMMAD: Each person counts.
MARCELA: Each person counts. All of this begins with you.
Learn more about ADP’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Visit jobs.adp.com and tech.adp.com.
Logo, ADP, Always Designing for People.
Nous apprenons les uns des autres.
Les groupes de ressources d’entreprise chez ADP aident les employés à établir des liens à l’échelle mondiale grâce à un réseau de personnes qui partagent des expériences et des intérêts communs. Ces liens consolident les assises d’ADP, en faisant une entreprise plus puissante, en aidant à :
- Promouvoir la valeur de la diversité et de la sensibilisation culturelle.
- Accélérer l’engagement des employés, leur fidélisation et l’avancement de leur carrière.
- Appuyer les initiatives d’acquisition de nouveaux talents au moyen de nouvelles voies.
- Déterminer les possibilités d’affaires et les occasions de bénévolat.
- Répondre aux demandes commerciales changeantes en tenant compte de la prochaine génération.
- Nouer des relations au sein de divers marchés dans nos communautés.
- Améliorer nos produits pour répondre aux besoins des diverses populations d’employés réparties dans le monde entier.